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  • Writer's pictureTara Scarborough

The Struggle (Part 1)- Introduction

With all things considered, I believe its time I told you all about this girl I know named Jenifer Blanke. Jenifer is not some fleeting acquaintance or merely a temporary friend I once had. No! Jenifer is family, and though its hard to admit, she has become a very big part of who I am.

Jenifer has always had a story to tell, but never quite had the means to do so. You see, Jen has aided me in unfathomable ways and for that, I have chosen to become her medium.

Her story is extensive, ever changing and hopefully for her, far from complete. I have chosen to section Jen's journey into partitions so that you may understand her better. Why? Because all Jenifer ever wanted was to be understood. Maybe I can finally help her......

Jenifer's story, though undoubtedly melancholy in a myriad of aspects, is nothing short of realistic for many. Therein, lies the reasoning for my decision to give her the spotlight. By helping Jen, I aspire to provide proof that your circumstances should never define your outcomes.

Choosing the right starting point for Jennifer's story was arduous as there are a lot of dynamics that tie into her personality, her life choices and her overall "Story". But a starting point needs an origin doesn't it? so here goes....

Jenifer's story begins at home: where she lives with her mother in a single parent household. Jen never had it easy, but neither was it as hard for her as others she knew; and significantly, for others she didn't. Though she may have missed a few meals here and there --and lacked the ability to afford some basics needs on occasion, she was not completely hopeless. She understood this. Jenifer was an only child, and unlike many other children in her position; she never cared much for a sibling. Having one would have been okay, but desiring one was never an inclination she felt. Though she was raised in a single parent home, Jen did have a father. To her demise however, he was nearby, but never quite present.

Jenifer moved from place to place a lot as she never felt like the roof she had over her head provided much protection for her. Additionally, she has paired school and work for as long as she can remember. She was raised in a small town in a third world country that didn't have much to offer. She didn't have a great deal of people she considered friends and never had much family to show either. She was an average height, average build, with features that came as uninteresting as they get.

Her personality and ideals have changed over the years, consequently; as a result of her experiences. Delving into the reasoning behind this, will come a bit later in her story. She started off as a shy sweet girl who never understood that she had a voice. She was fragile, scared, weak, trusting and in a lot of ways naive. That was a long time ago. That was who Jen was, but not who Jen is anymore..... Anyone can look at her now and not see an infinitesimal trace of the girl that once was, let alone have confidence in saying that she ever existed.

So who is Jen now your wondering? Well let me tell you.......

Jen is broken, but all the best people have be shattered. For it is only in gluing back all those pieces that we realise their importance. She is cautious, as danger is always lurking around the corner. She is strong, because she has had no choice but to be exactly that --in every sense of the word. She is sceptical, as life has thought her there is nothing else you can be. She is smart, because she needed some attribute she could finally be proud of. Jen has ensured no one will ever take her voice, yet if she ever doubts that, I am here to make certain it never happens.


The next section of the story will be uploaded very soon...until then stay safe and stay beautiful! <3

Cover photo credit: As Novo

P.S. ....Some parts of the recording that was included is a tad bit off from the actual written version. I made edits after the recording was done and could not bring myself to do it all over again for minor changes. I apologise, it will be different the next time around I promise. Until next time....

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