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  • Writer's pictureTara Scarborough

The Selection Series


One thing was for certain--America would become the 'One'...I was prepared for this idea. What I expected to be a predictable read, turned out to be filled with many surprises. Every chunk of the story that led to the 3rd book, was every bit enjoyable. These three books gave me everything I could ask for and MORE! Humour, romance, action, history and mystery all tied into one.

The story brought forth a sense of 'Hope' to me just as America did to the people of Illéa. As a reader I could relate directly to the depiction of societal pillars through the use of the 'caste system' that Kiera spoke of. We all represent many levels in that paradigm, with nothing but hopes for a better future and of someday being at the top.

Great stories always engulf their readers in such a way that they yearn to become apart of the narrative. I have never wanted anyone to love me more than I yearned for Maxon to care for me like he did America. Never understood I needed a better father figure until I comprehended how much of a wonderful dad she had. I wanted to be there on those long walks in the gardens of the palace just as much as I wanted to be on the rooftop during the first rain of the season. Not only did the story provide wonderful dialogue, it provided great imagery as well.

Nobody is perfect and this book made it evident that being ourselves and accepting our imperfections are what make us the best versions of our selves. From the many life lessons of forgiveness, determination and acceptance--- to the high's of joy and love--- and low's of betrayal and loss, I could safely say a day would be insubstantial to describe the many aspects I found compelling. For this reason, I will STOP.

Why stop you say?...... so you can get the book yourself of course! ..with hopes that you will enjoy it just as much as i did.

WARNING: Ensure you have a clear schedule and snacks on hand, as every minute away from the flip of a page will leave you anxious for more.

If you would like to purchase these books for yourself and potentially the continuation of the series, here's the link to do so.



"The best kinds of people have scars"
"Mistakes mean its real"
"It's always the fear of looking stupid that stops you from being awesome"
"True love is always the most inconvenient kind"

What is love???

"Love is a beautiful fear".... "You know that you’ve found something amazing, and you want to hold on to it forever; and every second after you have it, you fear the moment you might lose it"

....Couldn't have summarised it better myself Kiera, job well done.

Thank you for a wonderful read :)

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