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  • Writer's pictureTara Scarborough

10 tips to get through Quarantine


Everyone has that goal body they've been procrastinating to achieve for the past year (or more-- yes I see you) . Goals held back by excuses of lack of time and tiredness.

What better time to grab that body than now?

YOU! yes, I'm speaking to YOU. Let the netflix chill and give your bed and jammies a break. There is no better time than now! You have all the free time in the world as old nights fuse into new days.

For those who already have that goal body, don't let the quarantine hamper any progress. Keeping fit at home can be quite easy, so go ahead and make that home workout plan now!

For those who would like a little help and motivation for maintaining that weight or reaching that goal, here is a link you might like for a trainer named Chloe Ting.


During the quarantine, the lack of anticipation for each new day can become weighing with quarantine routine. Why not create something you can look forward to each new day?

A great way to eat healthier, whilst igniting that spark of anticipation is to plan your meals out.

Plan a day's worth of meals, or even a week. You can even spice things up and try making new dishes.

Cant cook? Well what better time to learn than now? Lets start experimenting!

Here are some cheap, healthy and easy meal ideas that are quite simple to make for even first time cooks. No excuses!


With the demanding schedules most students and working individuals have, we often let our mental and physical health fall by the wayside. We do not pamper ourselves like we should and who can blame us.

We juggle school, work, social, love, and family life all in one. Creating a skin care routine, hair routine, and body care routine is a beneficial way to pass the time whilst keeping ourselves in tip top shape.

For easy face mask ideas made from basic kitchen ingredients, click here

For easy hair mask ideas made from basic kitchen ingredients, click here

For easy nail care routines to care and grow nails click here

Another easy way for a calming self care routine would be to take a nice long bath. For those who suffer with anxiety, stress or simply need a medium to recollect themselves after a frustrating day, here's what you can do.

Get yourself a lavender Epsom salt packet (which is very cheap to buy- and is very good for your skin) and place a couple handfuls of salts into your bath water.

Make sure your bath water is really warm but not scorching hot (We don't need third degree burns during quarantine now do we!)

Place some scented candles around your tub and around your bathroom so the scent spreads everywhere. Close all the windows in your bathroom and the door as well so all the warmth is kept inside.

Get your phone or speaker and play some of your favourite music (preferably soft mellow music- nature sounds or audios can be an alternative). Taking a nice book to your bath can be a great choice too. Let those candles burn, turn those lights off and enjoy a 30 min-1 hour bath to yourself. You will not regret it! ...... as your muscles begin to relax, your mind drifts and tranquillity and calm engulfs you.


Reflecting on our thoughts and day's activities can often times create a means for problem solving and relief. Recording our thoughts aids us in better assessing ourselves and reviewing and releasing issues we may need to let go.

It helps us keep track of each day and provides a written record of our emotional changes or any struggles we may be having.

Self reflection can produce the necessary insight we might need to alter certain views we may have about ourselves or even the people and things around us.

A journal not only presents a means for positive contemplation, it also gives rise to pinpointing the origin of negative thoughts. For those who suffer with anxiety or depression, writing journals is a great way to understand your emotions and thoughts more clearly. By being able to do so, you have the potential to guide them and keep them under control.


For all the nature lovers out there, you might be feeling trapped during these trying times. I understand more than you know. Not being able to go out as freely as you wished can have its toll on you as you lose interest in each coming day.

Understanding that we are in quarantine and not necessarily allowed the freedoms we once had, should not entirely stop us from getting that daily dose of fresh air.

Alternatives can include going for a quick run, jog or walk outside. Many states and country's allow exercise as an 'essential' reason for leaving your home. I would suggest you use this freedom as much as you can (with safety precautions ofcourse!).

Others who have nearby parks, gardens or open reserves, can take this time to enjoy the little fresh air they can for their moments of safe and granted leisure. Just as some places have allowed exercise as a freedom, others have granted an hour of daily recreation-- again with all necessary health precautions in place.

If neither of these options are available to you, simply walking outside to your balcony or sitting next to an open window can provide the fresh air you may be craving. It is not preferably what you would like, but it is something you should make the time to enjoy everyday. Whatever your case may be, make the time!


Time to start those DIY projects!!!!

Wanna' bring that new colour scheme you mentally planned into existence? Then go right ahead! Put some new curtains up, get some new sheets, put some wall paper up and voila!

Can I to move furniture? Why not! The chairs would look so much better on that side of the room anyway. Moving around furniture ore redecorating them can make such a difference.

Still waiting for that storage room or window sill to clean itself huh? Get up! Reorganise the kitchen, clean that cabinet and scrub scrub scrub! If your going to be trapped in the house lets at least make sure its spotless confinement.


Everyone has some items of clothing they know for sure they will probably not be wearing anymore. Those pieces that are simply taking up space in your closet, but will never see the light of day.

To those outfits that just don't fit anymore......

To all those saggy clothes that just aren't snug enough......

To those jeans that just don't make your butt pop!


Let them go and say your goodbye's.

You do not even have to throw them away--and that would probably be the better option either way. You can pack them all away nicely and donate them to someone who might need them more than you.

Wanna be creative? Up cycle them and save them for another day by turning them into something totally different. Those long jeans you never liked can become a cute shorts you will love. That T-shirt that never fit right can become a cute crop top and hair band :) Go ahead, take your time and have some fun with it.


What better time To write that song than now?

--To start that book you always dreamed of writing?

--To sketch that self portrait you always imagined yourself doing?

--To design that clothing line you envisioned everyone wearing?

--To cook that meal you know everyone would love.

--To choreograph that song you just cant seem to get over.

What better time to step out of your comfort zone or delve into deep passions than now? Discover and develop your talents and find yourself more along the way. Try a few things and help yourself in seeing parts of 'YOU', you never knew existed.

For those who already know and appreciate their talents, this is the time to develop and perfect them. Immerse yourself and give them the opportunity to help you pass all this time.


Now let me just say...... vacations by definition are not extremely expensive--across the world trips. NO!

A vacation can be very simple and inexpensive. A three day trip to a neighbouring city, a family visit or even a an overnight stay at local hotel or resort can be just the vacation you need.

Taking the time to plan a get away to somewhere totally different is all it takes for that next vacation.

Mini trips to nearby localities or even longer trips to far away places creates anticipation for the upcoming year. Take your time, research, select a few options and enjoy the imagery of your planned vacation until you can make it a reality.


Everyone (Or almost everyone) had plans and goals they had to place on pause during this time. As the year comes closer to an end, some of these goals may feel unaccomplishable (yes i made a word- don't pretend you don't know what I mean).


No plans or goals yet? Then start some planning.......You have the time so why not use it.

This period is a time for proofreading, re-evaluating and perfecting your goals. Enabling us to understand more of what we want to achieve while providing us the opportunity to build that drive with time. We have been given a period in which we can build the determination we need to push harder when we are granted the chance to get back out there.



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